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The Church of the Ascension
A Parish of the Anglican Catholic Church
13941 Braddock Road
Centreville, VA 20120
(703) 830-3176
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History of the Church of the Ascension

The Church of the Ascension, like many continuing Anglican movements of today, began with a group of concerned men and women who were dissatisfied with the direction of the Episcopal Church. However, unlike most groups, the men and women who formed Ascension were ahead of their time and did not wait for the watershed moment of the mid 1970's.

The first service for the Church of the Ascension was held on June 23, 1968 (Morning Prayer) at Robert E. Lee High School in Fairfax, VA. The Parish met at Lee High through November 1969 then moved services to Chapel Square Elementary School. The parish moved to its first building (located at 8950 Little River Turnpike) on March 21, 1971. Then on December 23, 1973 the parish moved into its current building, fondly known as the "Old Stone Church," in Centreville, VA.

The Parish was initially a member of the Anglican Orthodox Church. During the early years the parish was served by a variety of supply priests until it could find its first rector (The Rev. Troy Kaichen - April 15, 1970).

The Parish was instrumental in the continuing Anglican movement of today, as members were present at the meeting of the Fellowship of Concerned Churchmen at St. Louis in 1977 (from which we get the Affirmation of Saint Louis).

The Church of the Ascension is one of the founding parishes of both the Anglican Catholic Church and the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic States.

Rectors of the Church of the Ascension

The Rev. Troy Kaichen (April 15, 1970 - July 15, 1971)
The Rev. Thomas Kleppinger (August 1, 1971 - March 1, 1973)
The Rev. Thomas Kleppinger (April 4, 1973 - November 30, 1974)
The Rev. Ramsey Robertson-Kendall (June 1975 - September 1984)
The Rev. David Rupp (October 1984 - November 29, 2000)
The Rev. Phillip Barber (April 15, 2001 - September 20, 2009)
The Ven. Michael C. Weaver, SSC (October 23, 2010 - Present)
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